Your Guide to San Francisco Architecture | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
Close up of a row of Victorian houses in the Castro district of San Francisco.
的 Castro is a 社区 of beautiful Victorian homes. 来源:德拉·赫夫

Your Guide to San Francisco Architecture

贝博体彩app什么都有. 从维多利亚时代到中世纪的现代风格,这里有一个深入的SF建筑指南.

如果你知道要找什么, the history of San Francisco can be seen in the varying styles of homes. 你可以看到这个城市从一个边疆殖民地发展到今天的国际大都市. 每个时代都有自己独特的风格.


When gold rush speculators arrived in 1849, 意大利风格当时很流行, 这是一场试图重现意大利乡村农舍和别墅风貌的运动. 这些房屋的主要装饰是由屋梁支撑的飞檐和门窗上的屋檐.

贝博体彩app早期的意大利风格是简单的平顶建筑,就像西部老城镇的建筑一样(当时的贝博体彩app就是这样). As framing techniques became more sophisticated, multi-story octagonal bay windows became an important element of this style.

这座城市充满了意大利风格,但大部分房屋都在1906年的大火中烧毁了. 一些意大利式房屋的例子仍然在迪斯德罗街以西和20街以南 任务 社区.


San Francisco was once surrounded by lush forests, and as the Industrial Revolution took hold, 这个城市依靠它的自然资源. Redwood groves were cut down for two-by-fours. 的 new structures used standardized wood. 的 houses began to incorporate more complicated facades and roofs. 一旦建立了, 每一个可以想象得到的表面都覆盖着机器切割的模具,形成几何图案. 在1906年没有被烧毁的街区,比如西增区,木棍屋很常见, Noe Valley, Eureka Valley, the 任务 and Potrero Hill. 


在短时间内, 贝博体彩app从一个远离文明的前哨变成了世界领先的工业城市之一. 这里的居民想通过建造华丽的房屋来展示他们新获得的经济实力.

Queen Anne-style houses are fanciful and exaggerated. 它们以无数的凸窗、塔楼和装饰的屋顶为特色. 的 decorations of these houses tend to be feminine and showy. 这就是 涂女士 of Alamo Square, in which garlands of flowers and gold abound. Quirky examples of the Queen Anne style can be found in 嬉皮, Alamo Square, Cow Hollow, and 太平洋高地.



在20世纪之交, 大多数西方世界都想把自己看作是古罗马的直接延伸. Instead, San Franciscans saw themselves as something new and modern. 他们必须解决作为西方文化大使而又生活在现代世界中的紧张关系.

Although less opulent than the earlier Queen Anne style, 爱德华时代的房子更具男性气质,有古老寺庙建筑的细节. 的y have fewer interior partitions and larger rooms. 爱德华时代的房屋集中在1906年大火后重建的地区,例如 SoMa 和使命.


的 任务-style home was an attempt to go back in time. It revived the look of the Spanish missions, which had little decoration on their adobe and stucco facades. 传教风格的关键元素后来被重新诠释为西班牙殖民风格, which is currently the most influential style in California. It was used by developers to romanticize the western frontier. 任务-style homes can be found in Glen Park, 夕阳, 列治文, 任务和Noe Valley.


在20世纪初, 似乎一切都是由大公司和机器生产的. 一些人担心传统工艺最终会被流水线取代.

的 Craftsman house is not done with machinery; it is built by skilled hands. 的 movement revived the trades, elevating them to the category of art. 这种风格的例子可以在格伦公园,日落,里士满和诺埃山谷找到.


Built on a foundation of steel and an uncontrollable enthusiasm for industry, the buildings of the 1920s touched the sky. 装饰艺术风格的房屋装饰有大量的几何图案,强调垂直线和建筑消失在云(或雾)之上的错觉。. 的y feature modern or industrial materials such as chrome, glass, and steel. 的se buildings speak of optimism and technology. 资本主义的象征, this style was used primarily on commercial buildings, but some 艺术装饰风格 homes can be found in 太平洋高地、日落、码头和海崖.


当逃离沙尘暴的家庭来到加州时,当地的开发商想出了一个好主意. 他们可以通过在城市郊区购买大片土地并建造大量几乎一模一样的房子来赚很多钱. 为了最大限度地提高效益,平面图像装配线一样一遍又一遍地重复. 这是统一细分趋势的开始,改变了整个美国的面貌.

的 developers relied heavily on the hype. 的 贝博体彩app纪事报 为新房写了热情洋溢的文章(同时也把广告位让给了开发商), 原始风格的外墙和不断变化的新车型有助于保持炒作. 这些房子在美国比比皆是 玛丽娜, 夕阳, 列治文, and many more 社区s.



大萧条的绝望使普通人梦想着去异国他乡旅行. Luxury travel was all the rage in the 1930s. 火车上的流线型细节和豪华船上的水平甲板和轨道启发了流线型现代住宅. 低, long silhouettes are enhanced with horizontal details, and the rounded corners evoke the bow and portholes of elegant yachts. 简化现代 homes can be found in areas that developed later, 比如日落, 任务, 和诺伊谷.


的 Depression made capitalism look bad. 社会主义开始受到欢迎. 世界已经准备好迎接一场体现了一种新的合作理念的美学运动.

的 Rationalist style was introduced as a style for everyone. 1939年金门国际博览会在金银岛展示了这种极简主义的建筑风格, which was inspired by technology rather than history. 的 idea was to leave behind all cultural identities and live globally.

理性主义的房子摒弃了任何无用的装饰,采用简单的方形形状. 今天,许多人说它们看起来又粗又无趣,但在当时,干净的线条是革命性的. Rationalist homes can be found in Noe Valley and Sea Cliff.


By 1950, 在贝博体彩app,除了被风吹过的山峰,几乎没有土地可以建造了, which had previously been considered too hostile to live on. But new technologies made houses weatherproof, and these areas were eventually opened up to developers. After all, with views like that, who needed to leave home? 现代主义设计反映了改变城市自身文化景观的技术和社会革命. Mid-century Modern homes can be found in Diamond Heights and Twin Peaks.


In the 1960s and 1970s, San Francisco was the epicenter of radical change. 民权运动、妇女解放运动和性革命把事情搞混了. Free love, drugs, and rock and roll permeated youth culture. This anything-goes spirit allowed styles to mix. 后现代 homes were built in what were then sparsely populated areas, 比如日落和伯纳尔高地, or where outdated industrial buildings were being replaced, 比如波特雷罗山和米申湾.
