我如何看待贝博体彩app: 贝博体彩app小姐 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩


See San Francisco through the eyes of the enterprising Catherine Liang, 现任贝博体彩app小姐.

如果你想体验真正的贝博体彩app, 那你就得请教专家了:我们友好的当地人. 知识渊博的, 充满激情的, 并且随时准备好要怎么做的建议, 看到, 或吃, 所有类型的贝博体彩app人都是我们正在进行的 “我对贝博体彩app的看法” 系列.

Catherine Liang is a Bay Area native, a young woman in finance, 和 the reigning Miss San Francisco. After growing up in 儿子oma County 和 graduating from the University of Southern Cali为nia, 凯瑟琳定居在贝博体彩app.

凯瑟琳的社会影响力倡议是“成为勇气的捍卫者”." She started this project after recent health challenges 和 used her downtime during the p和emic to create an online network of supporters. She hopes that by serving 和 showcasing people 和 businesses across San Francisco, she can inspire others to live fearlessly 和 courageously in pursuing their ambitions 和 dreams.

We asked Catherine about some of her favorite things in San Francisco, 她认为每个游客都应该体验, 还有她遗愿清单上的东西.


电报山是我最喜欢探索的地方之一. Whether it’s grabbing delicious hearty 意大利 food along Columbus Avenue 和 sitting in Washington Square Park or running up to 屁股塔 去看日落,看城市灯火通明, 它绝对抓住了科幻小说的活泼精神. 

Where should visitors go if they wanted to eat 和 drink their way through 唐人街?


我会从排队开始 好旺角面包店 为 some har gow, sesame red bean mochi balls, fried donut sticks. They’re classics 和 pair well with a steaming bowl of freshly pressed soy milk.

如果你喜欢吃甜食,你一定要来 AA面包店 & 咖啡馆 尽情享受那似乎无穷无尽的糖果. Some of my favorites are the egg tarts, walnut cookies, fluffy cheesecakes.

想尝尝四川的味道,不妨来看看 Z&Y 因为他们著名的茶熏鸭, 白鱼在红辣椒的海洋里炖着, 还有葱牛肉煎饼卷. These are all incredibly nostalgic dishes that I always indulge in when visiting family in China.

Finally, if you have room (和 of course there is always room 为 boba), stop by 易纺 品尝正宗的台湾果茶. 如果你想留个纪念,就去 金门幸运饼干工厂. 向老板问好, 凯文, his family 和 watch as they trans为m little pancake disks into delectable 为tune cookies!

What are some off-the-beaten-path local favorites in 唐人街 that visitors should know about?

如果你够幸运能买到 金门面包店 蛋挞,你的运气可真不错. 另一个不可思议的机构是 黄利面包房. I remember growing up 和 always begging my parents 为 a sweet roadtrip egg tart from Wong Lee. 

Be sure to look up 和 catch a glimpse of two iconic buildings: Sing Chong 和 Sing Fat. These buildings were some of the first to be built after the earthquake in 1906. As you walk along Grant Avenue 和 w和er onto the other side streets, be sure to check out many of the local grocery stores selling exotic 和 delicious fruits 和 vegetables, 美味的烤肉, 还有儿时的糖果,一定会给你的朋友留下深刻的印象.

What are some San Francisco 经历 you're eager to have now that our gate is open?

I love the outdoors 和 can’t wait to spend time with friends sitting in one of SF’s many open plazas 和 公园 在日落时看电影. 我真想花一天的时间上下 缆车 并攀登了许多标志性的山峰 陡峭的山坡. It would be so fun to check off as many l和marks as possible in one day, 从美术宫到科伊特塔, 到市政厅和 荣誉军团. Of course, I’d love to host friends from across the city 为 a sunset-on-the-rooftop potluck!


美术宫在我心中占有特殊的地位. For my 8th birthday, I remember my gr和parents visiting from Shanghai. We sat on the stone barrier to eat a delicious strawberry 和 creme cake while feeding the swans 和 ducks. 从那以后,它就成了我最喜欢拍照的地方之一.


恶魔岛游泳! I grew up swimming competitively 和 always admired people who braved the cold 和 open water to swim to 和 from 阿尔卡特拉斯岛. 它仍然是我的科幻遗愿清单之一.


调色板茶馆. 不仅是业主, 丹尼斯梁, 他的员工非常善良和慷慨, 但调色板已经成为我的最爱之一 点心 经历. 我喜欢你能吃到这么多不同的菜. 从他们的龙虾黄油炒到他们的伊比利亚茶烧, to a decadent truffle duck-fat fried rice paired with the savory garlic butter grab, 这是一场回忆的盛宴!


我想试试 Ju-Ni 寿司, Tartine工厂 糕点, 利霍利霍游艇俱乐部 在夏威夷, 百合 对于泰国, 洛杉矶的位置,看得我目瞪口呆传教风格的墨西哥卷饼, 儿子 & 花园早午餐!

你喜欢在哪里看日出和日落? What are some of your favorite views or vantage points around the city?

My favorite sunrise spot would actually be from my office building, oddly enough. 在41层,我们可以看到壮观的景色 金门大桥 当天空变成棉花糖粉色和蓝色. 我最喜欢的日落地点是里昂台阶的顶端. Some of the best vantage points include Torpedo Wharf 为 an amazing views of the SF skyline, 或者顶部 双峰 在一个晴朗的日子里,沿着市场街直走到 渡口.

你是个旅游迷. 如果你有一天空闲,甚至是一个长周末, what are some places beyond the bridge where you like to spend some time? 

I’d love to return to Carmel-by-the-Sea, Muir Woods, Sausalito, Sugarloaf, Half Moon Bay.  


情人的车道. If you love fresh air 和 windy groves of eucalyptus trees, this is the place 为 you. It feels like a portal to a fairytale 和 is perfect 为 a sunny easy stroll!


One of my favorite ways to spend a Sunday is going 为 a morning run along Crissy Field 和 stopping by the Philz Coffee truck 为 a cozy Gingersnap Coffee. I love bringing a thermos home 和 sitting on our apartment rooftop to enjoy the sunrise. It’s a blessing to live in such a beautiful city 和 watch Karl the Fog roll over the bridge.


探索尽可能多的社区和地区. 而标志性的地标是美丽的, each neighborhood has a defining characteristic 和 is vastly different from its adjacent one. I believe that’s the only way you can really come to know the city as a local. 一定要问你路过的人问题. You’ll find that the city is incredibly friendly 和 you just might make a new San Franciscan friend!

你可以跟着凯瑟琳走 Instagram 和 YouTube.

The 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky 和 the San Francisco Bay in the 为eground.


第一个知道即将到来的活动和节日, 新餐馆, 特殊交易, 以及海湾边的城市里发生的一切.