我如何看待贝博体彩app: 《亲爱的贝博体彩app》的Devin Henderson | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩

《亲爱的贝博体彩app》的Devin Henderson

《亲爱的贝博体彩app》的一位主演就是在这里出生和长大的. 我们问Devin Henderson他为什么喜欢这座滨海湾之城.

如果你想体验真正的贝博体彩app, 那你就得请教专家了:我们友好的当地人. 知识渊博的, 充满激情的, 并且随时准备好要怎么做的建议, 看到, 或吃, 所有类型的贝博体彩app人都是我们正在进行的 “我对贝博体彩app的看法” 系列.

“亲爱的贝博体彩app,” 在高空飞行, 令人敬畏的新节目目前在富加齐俱乐部驻留, 是一封写给贝博体彩app的情书吗. 在才华横溢的歌手中, 舞者, 杂技演员, and circus performers in its cast are a number of San Francisco natives. 我们采访了Devin Henderson, 一个在这里出生和长大的演员, 关于节目, 这对他意味着什么, 还有他喜欢在城市周围做什么有趣的事情. 这就是戴文眼中的贝博体彩app.

Note: Devin Henderson's last performance in "Dear San Francisco" will be on Sunday, July 30, 2023.


我在诺伊谷长大. My older siblings were attending circus classes in Potrero Hill with a great acrobatics master trainer. 在我学会走路之前,我就已经被介绍给马戏团了. 除此之外, 我被介绍给著名的泡菜家庭马戏团的成员, 吉普赛·斯奈德和莎娜·卡罗尔.

I moved away and followed my dream to travel the world while performing. I have worked professionally in the circus for 12 years on many projects, 其中大部分是七指乐队的, 莎娜和吉普赛在蒙特利尔的公司.

When I heard they were doing a show in San Francisco about San Francisco, I was thrilled. 当我发现他们想让贝博体彩app本地人上节目时, 其中一个贝博体彩app本地人就是我, 我的心亮了.  

This show is all about the allure and impact that San Francisco has had on people from all walks of life. 是什么让你不断回到这个城市? 

首先,它是我的家人、朋友和社区所在的地方. I think the thing I like the most about San Francisco is that it is ever-changing. 它从容应对,把握住脉搏. Although San Francisco will always have its ideals, it is able to adapt and morph. It is like 看到ing a best friend from your childhood that you haven't 看到n in 10 years—they may dress differently and listen to different 音乐, 但他们仍然会让你笑到痛.

You have San Francisco roots, and Club Fugazi has been an institution in this city for decades. What does it mean to you to be performing at such a historic local venue?

每次我走进剧院,都会有一种骄傲的感觉. Knowing what came before "Dear San Francisco" is enough to make any person want to step into that building. Being able to perform a show that speaks about the history of this amazing city and all its chapters adds a layer of excitement and emotion on top. Not to mention that the renovation of the theater itself makes it easy on the eyes. I think of the theater like an older individual whose bones and markings tell an amazing story, and that person received a new colorful heart that is glowing and pulsing. I feel those reverberations while I’m performing with the audience’s laughter and applause and excitement.

When you're not on stage, what are your favorite places to go in San Francisco for live performances?

Ocean Ale House has a great lineup of local 音乐ians that play most Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. 也, I have some friends who started BATCO (Bay Area Theater Company). 我总是喜欢去看看他们的创意.  


我喜欢骑我的自行车沿着瓦伦西亚街,在附近 任务的区 看看这些神奇的东西 壁画和街头艺术. 24th Street is always lined with papel picado hanging between the trees. 它是如此丰富多彩和可爱. 通常会有街头音乐家,他们的音乐听起来很有趣.

Sometimes I ride my bike under the freeway or to La Raza Park and watch the skaters. I wish I could skate like them; it truly is an art form.  If all that was not enough, sometimes I'll head over to the Alamo Drafthouse and catch a new release.


醒醒,和卡拉尼一起在我们的第39大道做早餐. 公寓,开车去 海滩, jump in the water, come back, check emails, and finish any computer work I may have. 我不喜欢白天在电脑前呆太久.

我可能会打电话给我的家人,看看他们在忙什么. 我的两个哥哥姐姐都有三岁以下的孩子, so I like to take them around and watch them experience the places I love in San Francisco through their eyes. Then I will probably get a sandwich from one of the many awesome sandwich shops around the city: Yellow Submarine in the Inner Sunset, 西传送门分中心, 或者Gene's in the Sunset(熏牛肉瑞士), 中心奶酪牛排, 或者是土耳其鳄梨, 分别).

去剧院, 为表演做好准备(热身), 培训, 化妆, 服装, 和演员们瞎混). And after the performance, I enjoy going out on the town, grabbing some 鸡尾酒 甚至可能去教堂的酒吧跳舞. 我累了回到家,洗个澡,然后睡觉. 


我一直很兴奋地去探索 北海滩 从这个节目开始. 出于某种原因,我没有像孩子那样探索它. Hard to believe that after living 30 years in a city that is only 49 square miles, 还有很多地方我还没有去探索.  


中国新年游行. 我记得小时候和家人一起去过那里. 我喜欢舞狮、鼓声和鞭炮声. 如此多的能量. We even got to perform in it one year with the San Francisco School of Circus 艺术.


我爱吃披萨,一直都是,永远都是. 我一直很喜欢《贝博体彩app》披萨. 它们的种类太多了.



你喜欢在哪里看日出和日落? What are some of your favorite views or vantage points around the city?

On top of Bernal Hill for the sunrise, maybe with a Pinhole coffee in hand. 日落时分 海洋海滩当然,手里拿着国际淡啤.

我也喜欢比利山羊山. 他们以前有个秋千,很厉害的. 有一个有点秘密的地方可以看到 金门大桥 在林肯公园高尔夫球场的17号球座上. 也, standing at the top of the hill on Hyde Street and looking down the steep hills waving all the way to the Bay Bridge.

What are some of the San Francisco experiences you can't wait to have again?

运行 从海湾到破浪. 抓住巨人或 勇士 游戏. 成为…的一部分 狂欢节. Sit at Dolores Park with my friends from high school having a few beers. 打排球 金门公园. 和我的兄弟沿着 内河码头.


星期六和我的朋友一起跑到公园打篮球. 上诺伊是我该去的地方. 

Two women in traditional dress walk in the San Francisco Chinese New Year celebration parade.


沿着Crosstown步道走. 或者只是其中的一部分. 你真的能看到这座城市不同的地方. 


可能是内河码头. 它能提供的东西太多了.



Hikers walk along a forested section of Lands End Trail, with the Pacific Ocean in the background.


Learn from the residents and business owners of 北海滩 about why this neighborhood is the heart of the city.
