我如何看待贝博体彩app: 舒吉的凯拉·亚伯 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
Kayla Abe is the co-owner of Shuggie's Trash Pie 在 任务 and 丑泡菜公司.


Kayla Abe is working to end hunger while also protecting our climate. 我们问她在贝博体彩app最喜欢什么.

如果你想体验真正的贝博体彩app, 那你就得请教专家了:我们友好的当地人. 知识渊博的, 充满激情的, 并且随时准备好要怎么做的建议, 看到, 或吃, 所有类型的贝博体彩app人都是我们正在进行的 “我对贝博体彩app的看法” 系列.

除了一个 岛监狱 和叮当 缆车, San Francisco is perhaps most associated with terrific cuisine and creative thinking. And wouldn't you know it—we found a home-grown company that combines the two.

Kayla Abe was working at a non-profit focused on sustainable agriculture when she met David Murphy, 一位经验丰富的厨师即将开自己的餐厅, 在贝博体彩app的渡轮广场农贸市场. These auspicious beginnings soon blossomed into their passion project, 丑泡菜公司., 一家以减少食物浪费为使命的公司, 减缓气候变化, 分享北加州农场的丰饶.

We spoke to Kayla about her favorite things in San Francisco and what she thinks every visitor should be sure to do.


We're lucky enough to live right near our favorite coffee roaster 在 city, 白咖啡所以我们经常去他们位于波特雷罗山的地方开始一天的工作. Most of the day is spent working on my full-time job in food service at 燕麦, 而是从白天一直到晚上, I'm also fitting in retail outreach and marketing doodles for our company, 丑泡菜公司., and closing out our investment round for our upcoming restaurant, 舒吉的垃圾派+天然葡萄酒 在 任务

David's days are consumed with Shuggie's prep, whether that's meetings with city planning or R&为我们的开业菜单设计食谱. 晚上以在 Ruby酒 to say hi to friends and grab a bottle of natural wine to go with dinner at home. 和小狗玩几个小时, 快速锻炼, and the day's New York Times crossword puzzle are also squeezed in somewhere 在 schedule. 


We love living in Potrero Hill and spend the majority of our time 在 任务. 这是一场享受的旅程 海洋海滩不过,抓戳从 钩鱼公司. 或者,漫步而过 北海滩 and wind up in Washington Park having impulse-purchased too much focaccia.


电报山的日出感觉很温暖. 我们最喜欢的日落是在下面的海滩上 海水浴场


我最喜欢的一个是 斯特恩格罗夫节. It's a moment of sheer adoration for the city: sitting among from the trees, 拿着一瓶酒俯视着舞台, watching Toots and the Maytals for free (but definitely donate if you can).

跟我们说说丑角公司吧. 这是一个非常独特的概念, taking cosmetically ugly vegetables and making them into something else. 你的生意灵感是从哪里来的? 贝博体彩app有什么特别的地方激发了这个想法吗?

丑泡菜公司. 我们是一家气候解决方案公司吗, where we're upcycling cosmetically-irregular produce and farm surplus to create snappy, 新鲜的泡菜和美味的调味品.

The company emerged out of conversations David and I had with farmer friends at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market. 周六在那里购物的时候, we learned from farmers about the financially and environmentally devastating implications of food waste.

丑泡菜公司. was born out of a desire to mend these broken links in our food system. We're trying to educate consumers on the positive environmental impact they can have by eating our upcycled pickles, 同时减少浪费,应对气候变化. 通过提供美味, 可持续的食品储藏室替代品, we want to make it a no-brainer for consumers to choose climate-positive foods.

你们的农产品从哪里来? How can visitors get a taste Northern California's incredible fruits and veggies?

我们所有的农产品都直接从当地农民那里采购. 大多数都在距贝博体彩app100英里的范围内. We're so fortunate to be in the most vibrant agricultural hub 在 nation. This proximity informs San Franciscans' reverence for food and farming, 并推动像我们这样的公司的创新.

The Ferry Plaza Farmers Market is an incredible place to experience California's bounty, with 100+ vendors from across the state coming together three times a week to sell a mind-blowing diversity of produce. Saturday mornings at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market are one of our favorite places to be.


最后一餐肯定是在 罗罗语. 比食物更令人难以置信的是他们的热情好客. It's hard to beat an evening with wonderful people and a never-empty glass of mezcal.


我们还没到 棕榈城葡萄酒. 布恩女皇 也在名单上吗. 

贝博体彩app以热情好客而自豪. What has your experience as part of the Asian community been like in San Francisco?

I feel so lucky to have grown up in several communities attached to both my Chinese and 日本 backgrounds. To grow up in a city that celebrates your cultural events along with you and queues to eat the foods of your upbringing creates a special sense of belonging.


Get a take-out buffet from the dim sum shops on Clement Street for a picnic in 金门公园.


水上公园是这个美丽的,风景秀丽的喘息之遥 渔人码头. 我很喜欢, 尽管坐落在一个主要的旅游目的地, 当地人有很多方式与这个小海滩互动. In high school, I loved hopping aboard the Balclutha on weekend nights for sea chanteys. Today, we like to occasionally head there before sunrise for a quick, chilly dip 在 Bay.

What's one thing a visitor familiar with San Francisco should do and why?

我喜欢带大家去小酒吧 李白 in 唐人街 为马泰和骰子. My gung-gung (grandfather) worked there as a youngster, and I imagine it's relatively unchanged. 


到处走走! 这是一个人口密集的城市,有很多特色 社区,你只能一边走一边获得完整的体验.